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What is Digital Asset Management? Trends, Benefits, Use Cases



January 22, 2024

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Written By KeyShot
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Picture the scene:

You’re scrolling through your news feed on social media…

…and you see a sales rep sharing a post that goes against everything you’ve ever written in your brand guidelines.

(and not using the templates you created, just for this purpose!).

This scenario happens every day.

It wasn’t done with bad intent. 

What happened was that the sales rep was browsing the content management system looking for brand assets but couldn’t find what he was looking for.

So, he decided to design something himself. And publish it.

(and freak out the brand manager at the same time).

Another sales rep sees it and does the same.

And before you know it, your brand style is morphed into something unrecognizable and you’ve lost control.

Wouldn’t you like to regain control of how your brand is communicated online?

Everyone’s a brand ambassador

We’re all content creators.

  • Whether it’s on our

    • Website

    • On social media

    • Sales collateral and demos or

    • Providing on-boarding training.

At one stage or another, we’re all creating content to attract, educate and convert customers into taking action.

And given the number of platforms available, it means working with all the different types of formats when creating content to share through email marketing, social media, blogs and webinars.

Why do we spend so much time on content?

Easy. It’s because it generates real business results.

  • Content marketing has proven to help companies:

    • Increased brand awareness, traffic and engagement

    • Improve demand and new business leads

    • Generate sales and revenue

    • Deliver a better customer experience

Benefits of content marketing

But if you’re a small team, 1-5 employees and have a 3-page website, you can manage.

It’s not a big deal, right?

But what if you work at a company like Volvo, a company that manages more than 20,000 images.

Every month!

(That’s 250,000 creative files – every year).

Well,, that can quickly spiral out of control.

Can you imagine if their dealerships all created their own content? 

It’s a sure-fire way to dilute the brand.

Managing 250,000 images…  That’s a lot of digital files.

It’s also a lot of digital responsibility.

Managing content at scale

What is the best way to organize digital assets?

Whether you manage 1,000 assets or 1 million assets, content management is key.

Every modern business is investing more into digitalization.

You can either:

  1. Optimize how you manage your content and distribution or 

  2. Fall behind in the day and age of digital disruption.

How do you manage content at scale, take control of your content – how it’s used, when, for what purpose – and use content to reach your business goals?

The solution is technology.

But it’s something that 6 in 10 marketers are struggling with.

Marketer's educational needs

So, what kind of technology can help you solve this marketing challenge?



DAM stands for Digital Asset Management – is a way to safely store, organize, manage and share digital assets like photos, videos and images. Digital assets are all the content and information that you store on your website.

Think of it like a shared drive, such as Dropbox – except it’s used by enterprise companies to manage millions of assets…

…as opposed to sharing vacation pics with your family.

Today, you’ll typically find assets stored in Sharepoint, Google Drive, a web content management system and multiple versions located on individual computers.

But a DAM platform is different:

It’s a central place (known as a single source of truth) where all your content is strategically placed in the same archive. ready to be used, by anyone in your organization, when needed.

For example, DAM software can be used for the storage, management and distribution of all your media assets:

> Images

> Videos

> Audio files

> Logos

> Documents and more.

A good use case is a manufacturer that produces thousands of products for multiple ecommerce platforms.

The key word is control.

You can look at it as both a process in which you run your business and how you handle your digital information. A DAM system is all about the automation and optimization of content; how you use it, how you handle it and how you distribute it. 

More importantly, it’s how you are able to push this content through to the right channels.

So, now you know what a DAM is, let’s take a look at the market (and how fast it’s growing).

2022 TO 2026

Managing digital assets is fast becoming a priority for enterprise companies.

Valued at a whopping $2 billion in 2020, it’s clear that integrating Martech like DAM are key to engaging more digitally.  Incorporating more automated technologies in businesses is becoming a key part of digital transformation strategies.

Looking at the industry at a glance, digital asset management is expected to grow approximately 18% per year. If forecasts are accurate, the size of the industry will be worth more than $8 billion in 2026!

Market summary for DAM industry

When it comes to delivery and the types of DAM, it’s expected that cloud-based DAM (SaaS) will be the pioneering force moving forward (no one wants to install it on-premise anymore, right?)

If the market research tell us anything, it’s this:

The DAM market is growing, so it’s not a question of if you need a DAM, but more a question of when. So, if you’re new to DAM, let’s take a look at how your organization can benefit from it.

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Here are 8 ways DAM can bring value to your business.


Every customer we speak with tells us the same thing:

They want a DAM platform to reduce time to market.

Because speed = growth.

This includes how fast you’re able to plan, create and distribute your content to the right people at the right time. Thankfully with DAM, you’ll be able to save significant amounts of time through automated processing and distribution to multiple channels.

Let’s take an example. Your marketing team decides to roll out an email campaign about a new product extension. Avoid spending hours searching through the immense amount of marketing materials belonging to that product. With just one click, you’ll have access to the exact folder you need.  Sent. Done. 

They say time is money:

If you really embrace your DAM solution, you can optimize content storage to the best of your ability. Using a DAM system means increasing workflow automation and taking time away from the repetitive tasks of browsing files.

You’ll be able to boost productivity and make space for more value-creating tasks in the company. Simplifying these workflows is not only key for productivity, but also development of businesses.


Your content is a goldmine when it comes down to how it can influence the customer journey. Specifically, the best digital asset management software can heavily impact the buyer experience.

By managing and delivering dynamic content like videos that captures the eye of your prospects and leads them to engage.

Visual information holds 90% of all the information transferred to your brain. In addition, humans are able to absorb 95% of the information coming from a video, whereas in comparison to static text, we can only absorb roughly 10%.

The consensus is clear:

Dynamic, moving visuals matter. Your digital assets matter.

That’s why it’s important to manage these digital assets in the most efficient way possible – so that you can distribute them on time, automatically, right when you need them.

DAM software enables you to manage and distribute content that aligns with a specific customer’s journey and which stage they’re in. This kind of personalization is key for a business’ authenticity and how they’re able to build and cultivate relationships.

Woman looking at DAM software

DAM coordinates the content lifecycle and content supply chain in the most efficient way possible. It provides your company with the easiest way to increase the productivity of content creation – and, it increases the opportunity to be more personal with every customer.


Organizing and optimizing your digital files in DAM software allows your company to keep up with the fast-paced tempo of today. Which is a key component to digital success. 

It’s documented, too. 

Research suggests that one of the most prominent disputes modern businesses face is how to completely transform in a digital way.

So how does DAM help you transform?


Having a cloud-based DAM software takes care of all your digital assets at all times. It also helps to optimize every single process of delivering content across every single channel – enabling you to create powerful omnichannel experiences.

In doing so, content becomes fast and available to everyone and serves both business and consumer. Letting technology take care of all your valuable media content is at the core of what it takes to become one of the most up-to-speed businesses today.

Maintaining brand consistency is a huge benefit of using a DAM system. That could be your company’s way of breaking the barriers of untapped growth potential.

In fact, not using a DAM system could be what’s holding you back from becoming one of the most modern and protected businesses out there.

A major component of a digital transformation journey is security.

This is non-negotiable.

Security standards for DAM software are at an all-time high due to the increasing frequency of cyber-attacks targeting and threatening enterprises.

The reason is simple:

A security breach results in a loss of trust and revenue from your customers.

So, before you move ahead with a platform – ask for the following to make sure the digital asset management solution you choose adheres to the latest security requirements.

  1. What security and compliance certificates (ISO 27001, SOC, SOX, etc.) does the vendor hold?

  2. What software components does it use and are those components using the latest versions, where security patches have been applied?

  3. Where is the data stored and what are the security measures that protect it?

  4. If the data is on the public cloud, what is the configuration that safeguards the data?


We know that it’s important to streamline your content. 

But it’s also important to streamline productivity across all teams through your entire company, right?

DAM integrations, such as Sitecore, Optimizely and Adobe Creative Cloud can help you out in this respect. It provides the best insurance that everyone is onboard with the exact same file versions ready for distribution.

Having a level-playing field when it comes to platform access and functionalities is key. It’s also a tell-tale sign that your company values not just efficiency, but also cohesiveness.

When all members of a company have the same instant access to files and data, it’s far easier to collaborate, coordinate and control your content. DAM intrinsically boosts company transparency and brand consistency.

On that note:

You can set user rights on specific assets, making sure that the right people have access to the right assets (we still want to be in control, right?).

For example, sales reps don’t need access to all marketing materials on the website, so you can set specific rights to those assets where only team members in your marketing team can access them.

Another benefit:

It creates common ground with stakeholders by accommodating access permissions. DAM systems make sure that there’s nothing standing between the different file types and the people who need them – creating an environment that facilitates the most productive system. 

Adding on, DAM integrations will significantly help out with the most optimal streamlining of workflows, much needed for companies that are digital in 2022.

Deliver unique customer experience

No more misunderstandings (or sales reps designing their own banners).

Digital asset management helps everyone put their best foot forward. By providing equal access to the same content, allowing you to be where you need to be at the right time.


So you’ve created your digital content, and thanks to a digital asset management platform, you’ve distributed them in the most efficient way possible. 

Done, right? Not quite.

How about we make the most of what we have and distribute it even more?

One of the top content marketing priorities for B2B marketing teams is to improve content distribution and promotion.

B2B content marketing priorities


Digital asset management software allows you to repurpose your digital content so that you don’t have to duplicate your content efforts.

Creating MORE takes time, and it’s time consuming. The key to content distribution is all about how your content is efficiently spread through channels, multiple times.

With DAM software, your content is delivered in the right channels at the right time. Automated distribution is hands-down the most efficient way of making sure your content is used to achieve the best results.

Digital asset management is about making content creation and distribution as easy as possible for the user – thus, resulting in a better experience for your customer.


Making sure your brand is keeping up with compliance and digital rights management (DRM) is crucial in today’s digital day and age.

A lot of companies know this – which is why the digital rights management market itself is now projected to reach $24.63 billion by 2030.

Tools like Digizuite DAM help companies ensure that their digital content is protected and managed correctly.


By allowing users to restrict asset sharing, downloading, formatting, and visibility to prevent unauthorized access.

The software also helps manage asset rights by setting asset expiration dates, user restrictions, and preventing unauthorized access. Retail brands can also track the usage of their assets by monitoring where they are being used and adding watermarks or terms of service to reduce liabilities.

DAMs also offer lockdown features to restrict access to specific assets and automatically embedding metadata, making it easier to identify assets that do not belong to a company.

Overall, DRM features in DAM platforms play a crucial role in protecting intellectual property and reducing legal liabilities, especially for companies that rely heavily on digital assets.

And when it comes to ensuring brand compliance, tools like DAM helps companies do this by:

  1. Being a central vault of all digital assets

  2. Providing consistent approval and review of assets

  3. Providing efficient localization to both local and regional markets.


According to research, 81% of global brands that engage in localized marketing consider delivering consistent messaging as one of their main organizational priorities.

The ultimate goal is to provide a consistent brand experience for consumers across the globe.

But how can brands achieve this?

First, it’s important to identify the brand’s vision and take into account local sensitivities. Then, the message can be delivered using uniform digital assets across regional markets in multiple channels.

To ensure that the content is delivered to the consumers in a format they want, the brand must create marketing campaigns and content according to their preferences.

And this is exactly where DAM comes in.

Using a DAM system, a brand can control all of their digital content from one central hub. This approach is much more efficient compared to shared drives which are commonly used by enterprises today.

With everyone having access to the same hub, it’s easier to deliver marketing content across all channels, resulting in consistent global messaging at all times.

Consistent global messaging is important for any brand, and using a DAM system can be an effective way to achieve it. With a DAM, brands can ensure that their marketing content is delivered in a format and channel that consumers prefer – providing the same brand experience globally.


Workflows in a DAM system can help scale content operations by streamlining and automating the process of creating, approving, and distributing content.

Workflows define the specific steps and actions that need to be taken for a particular task, and can be customized to meet the unique needs of an organization.

  • Here are some ways workflows can help scale content operations

    • Automate repetitive tasks: Workflows can automate repetitive tasks, such as asset approvals, version control, and metadata tagging, reducing the time and effort required to manage content.

    • Ensure consistency: Workflows can enforce brand guidelines and content standards, ensuring that all content created and distributed is consistent and on-brand.

    • Improve collaboration: Workflows can facilitate collaboration among teams by providing a clear and structured process for content creation, review, and approval.

    • Reduce errors: Workflows can help reduce errors and ensure that all necessary steps are completed in a particular process, reducing the likelihood of mistakes or oversights.

    • Enable scalability: Workflows can be designed to handle high volumes of content, enabling organizations to scale their content operations as they grow.

    • Provide transparency: Workflows can provide visibility into the status of content creation and distribution, allowing teams to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement quickly.

By leveraging workflows in a DAM system, organizations can automate and streamline their content operations, enabling them to scale their content production and distribution efforts more effectively.


Lonza Group is an international biotechnology and chemicals company offering healthcare solutions. They were able to seamlessly unite their workforce with DAM software through the swift cohesion of content. Both a collaborative processes and increased efficiency was achieved.

This enabled the Lonza Group to focus on being able to get to the next level content-wise whilst taking on every opportunity presented to them.

CommScope is a US-based provider of network and communications technologies. Thanks to DAM, they were able to increase productivity through merging and consolidation of their three websites.

Establishing a central source for all digital assets was one of their main priorities. Digital asset management proved to be a pivotal driving force in that regard.

Volvo is a global manufacturer of luxury vehicles and is headquartered in Scandinavia. 

They needed technology to facilitate the easy distribution of marketing assets to their entire dealer network. By investing in DAM, Volvo Trucks North America is now able to get its products to market notably faster.


DAM isn’t just another marketing acronym. Or a buzzword.

It’s an essential component to your omnichannel marketing strategy.

DAM is proven to help reduce time to market, improve the customer experience, increase cross-department collaboration and support you with digital transformation.

That’s why digital asset management is one of the fastest growing industries.

Companies like Lonza, Commscope and Volvo are all seeing the benefits of DAM firsthand – from uniting their workforce to increasing productivity and market share.

It’s time for your organization to see the benefits of a digital asset management system, too. Ready to find out more?

If you can relate to the challenges highlighted or you would like to learn more about DAM, contact us today. A Digizuite expert is ready to show you our platform.


If you can relate to the challenges highlighted or, would like to learn more about DAM, contact us today. A Digizuite expert is ready to show you our platform.

Book a call with an expert here

Customers also ask

What are the specific security features of DAM software?

Digital Asset Management systems prioritize robust security protocols to protect sensitive digital assets. They commonly include features such as encrypted data storage and transfer, user authentication processes, and role-based access control, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access certain assets.

Additionally, many DAM systems offer audit trails for tracking asset usage and modifications, enhancing accountability and security. Advanced DAM solutions, like Digizuite, might also comply with various data protection regulations like GDPR and incorporate regular security updates to guard against emerging cyber threats.

How does DAM software integrate with existing company systems and workflows?

DAM software is designed to integrate seamlessly with a variety of existing company systems and workflows. This integration capability typically includes compatibility with content management systems (CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) software, and marketing automation tools.

DAM systems often provide APIs and plugins for easy integration, ensuring that digital assets are readily accessible across different platforms and departments within an organization. This integration aids in maintaining consistency in asset usage and streamlines various operational processes, from marketing to sales and customer service.

What is the typical cost structure for implementing a DAM system?

The cost of implementing a DAM system varies based on several factors such as the size of the organization, the volume of assets to be managed, and the specific features required.

Generally, DAM providers offer a range of pricing models, including subscription-based models, which are common for cloud-based solutions, and one-time licensing fees, more typical for on-premise installations.

The pricing often scales with the number of users and the amount of storage required. Additional costs can include customization, integration with other systems, training for staff, and ongoing support and maintenance.

It’s important for organizations to assess their specific needs and get detailed pricing information from providers to understand the total cost of ownership of a DAM solution.


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