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5 Omnichannel Marketing Best Practices



September 7, 2023

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How do enterprise companies improve processes, maximize efficiency and avoid mistakes?

By following a set of techniques that have been proven over time.

Best practices are like benchmarks–they help brands make decisions, implement strategies, such as omnichannel marketing, and achieve goals.

Omnichannel shoppers spend between 50 and 300% more than conventional shoppers.

The consequences of having limited knowledge about omnichannel marketing best practices or, even worse, knowing and not following them can lead to increased risks and poor performance.

Prevent potential marketing problems and ensure your omnichannel efforts reap the best return.

Learn five omnichannel marketing best practices and create opportunities to engage your customers–reducing time to market and boosting revenue.


First, let’s start by looking at a couple of successful omnichannel marketing examples.

Disney’s MyMagic is a perfect model of omnichannel marketing.

By combining their mobile app, website, and wristbands to create a seamless experience for visitors, customers can plan their holiday, access additional features, like FastPasses, and even make restaurant reservations. This convenience and personalization enhance the customer experience.

BMW is one of the world’s best-known car brands. Its omnichannel strategy allows customers to configure their ideal car on the phone using a shared screen, gives them a live tour of the cars they have in stock, and has physical showrooms. BMW offers engaging experiences for its customers across multiple touchpoints.

Have you experienced something similar?

You may have received a text message with a sale code or spoken with a customer service representative in-store to get more product information before buying online.

These approaches give each customer a seamless and personalized brand experience, regardless of what channel they’re using or the time of day.

Notably, 90% of customers prefer an omnichannel experience with smooth interactions between different channels.


Digital assets showcase the value of your product. By distributing quality content across multiple channels, a customer can connect with your brand and ultimately make a purchase.

Omnichannel marketing uses multiple channels to reach and engage customers. As brands make marketing decisions informed by audience research, data, trends, and algorithms that work differently, it can take time to work out which digital asset works best for each platform.

Take steps to enhance the performance and visibility of your digital assets.

  • With Digizuite DAM, you can optimize documents, images, videos, or other digital content with features such as:

    • Video trimming. Maintain brand consistency by removing unwanted sections from a video. Make sure all video clips used across multiple channels follow the same branding guidelines.

    • Bulk upload. Save time and effort by simplifying the process of adding multiple files simultaneously.

    • Alt text and metadata. Considering that an average employee spends 51% of every workday on low to no value tasks, such as finding what they need, DAM metadata technology can increase operational efficiency and allow you to quickly organize, search, and retrieve digital assets.

    • File naming and tagging conventions. Optimize searchability with standardized naming conventions. Add relevant keywords or tags to the file name so everyone can follow a unified process.

    • Content analytics. Track the performance and conversion rate of your omnichannel efforts with robust metrics. Measure click-through rates (CTR), page views, and time on the page–allowing you to adjust marketing tactics for the best results.

    • Version control. Optimize product descriptions and reduce the risk of outdated content. Ensure internal and external teams never distribute incorrect pricing or an old company logo.

Version control in Digizuite DAM


Did you know that mobile users are expected to spend over $124 billion by 2024?

Moreover, 79% of smartphone users have already used their mobile devices to make a purchase.

Brands that don’t offer a user-friendly mobile experience can face significant consequences.

This means:

Giving existing customers and prospects a poor customer experience. Distorted layouts, small text, and difficult-to-navigate menus make it frustrating for customers to find information and engage with the content–resulting in high bounce rates and shorter time on web pages.

Secondly, search engines like Google and Bing prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their search results. Brands that don’t optimize for mobile view may experience a fall in search rankings, reducing organic traffic and online visibility.

Considering images have the second highest return on investment (ROI), file compression, for example, can reduce image size without compromising quality. This improves website loading times and reduces bandwidth usage, especially for mobile users.

Focus Brands, one of the world’s leading Food & Beverage companies streamlines images and text across devices for all 7 brands, including Auntie Anne’s, Cinnabon, Jamba.

Give customers the ability to view information and purchase on the go. Ensure that your website, emails, and digital content are fully optimized for mobile devices and cater to the growing number of mobile users.


Taking individual sections of a marketing strategy and making future omnichannel marketing decisions can give misleading results.

Let’s take customer feedback and engagement, for example. Collecting customer feedback from one or two channels and using it to improve your entire omnichannel marketing strategy can make you make the wrong decision.

Focusing on positive feedback or cherry-picking comments from social media alone can lead to a skewed understanding of customer preferences and needs–preventing you from identifying areas for improvement and delivering a better customer experience.

Create a seamless and unified experience for customers. Think about the entire customer journey and integrate all marketing efforts across multiple channels.

Engage with customers regardless of their channel of choice and promptly respond to their needs and concerns. Identify pain points and make necessary changes.


Doing the same thing repeatedly without knowing it’s working is like driving a car blindfold.

Applying an omnichannel strategy is no different. You want to determine if your marketing efforts achieve the desired outcome and celebrate success.

One way to understand how your omnichannel presence works is to perform regular evaluations. By continuously monitoring different strategies, channels, and messaging, you can identify what resonates best with your audience and repeat tactics based on the results.

  • Measure key performance indicators (KPIs) for:

    • Customer retention and assess the impact of the omnichannel strategy on customer loyalty

    • Competitor analysis and identify areas where you outperform your competitors

    • Customer interactions, behavior, and journeys across channels. Analyze the data and get insights into customer preferences and pain points

    • Social media interactions and address inquiries, build relationships and respond to feedback

Get a complete overview of your digital content. Solid data and customer insights can help optimize resource allocation. You can use resources more effectively by focusing on what works and eliminating or adjusting what doesn’t.

For example, Businesses considering developing a new service can use data from customer service interactions online, by email, or on the phone to identify pain points. In turn, this ensures resources are allocated to the right business priority at the right time.

Adopt best practices and adjust your omnichannel marketing. Respond to changing markets, customer preferences, and operational budgets. 


Imagine buying a product from a brand and discovering your personal data has been misused.

You’d think data privacy and security have improved significantly over the past decade. Still, big brands such as Apple and Twitter have experienced severe security breaches recently–negatively affecting their brand reputation.

Although some DAM platforms primarily focus on managing and organizing digital assets, Digizuite DAM also has robust security features to protect assets from internal misuse and external attacks.

By using Digizuite DAM’s rights management definitions and access controls, you can always (both online and offline) have complete control and power over your assets.

Let’s look at the life sciences industry. Considering this sector has some of the strictest compliance legislation, like health and safety, DAM can notify users when an asset has exceeded its expiration date and needs updating.

Plus, the rights management feature allows system administrators to easily define groups and user roles to improve security.

Apply data privacy and security best practices and protect personal information. Build trust, protect your reputation, and increase the confidence of customers and stakeholders.


Omnichannel best practices are not a fleeting trend; they are a necessity.

Offer a customer-centric approach with products, services, and experiences that meet their needs and preferences.

Understand your target audience and optimize their experiences. Respond to data-driven insights and be prepared to flex to meet the changing needs of your customers.

Discover how Digizuite can support an omnipresent approach for your business.

Book a demo here.

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